Looking for a local adult Improv class that won’t cost you time and gas money just to get to? Well, look no further! Garrett Gray of Main Stage Productions will instruct adults on the fundamentals of improv in his popular 8-week course consisting of seven (7) 2 hour classes, one (1) two hour show rehearsal and one (1) 1 hour improv show (graduation) designed to empower students to put on and star in their very own improv show! By enrolling in this course you’ll obtain the following tools: basic principles of improv, object work, exposure to character work, active listening, how to support your teammates, and how to do fun improv games with your teammates. For their graduation, students will perform in their very own 1 hour improv show!
DATES: Jan. 14-Feb 28
DAY: Tues
TIME: 7-9p
Graduation Show: Feb 28
Fri: 7-9p