Tinley Park’s Got Talent! This two-hour variety show combines two great flavors for the price of one! The show kicks off with Main Stage Improv playing fun, fast-paced Improv games based on audience suggestions followed by a variety of music, singing & comedy acts of great local talent including musician/songwriter/singer Jon Raleigh from the Cheryl Rodey Band and Rollo Time; Entertainer Jack Reed; Comedian Maheen Husain; Vocalist Michael Sheldon; and Sue, Jim & Rick Dobczyk of the Elwood Garden Ukulele Strummers and more1
Get there 15 minutes early because seating is limited. When SOLD OUT that’s it!
Show Rating PG-13
BUY YOUR TICKETS HERE: https://webtrac.tpdistrict.org/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/addtocart.html?FromProgram=search&GlobalSalesArea_PSTItemQuantity=1&Module=PST&PSTFMIDList=24462517&_csrf_token=cD6I12101M6T2T23213D3X4Z5W4Q56481H5J5U6S53160B4Y5I59024P635D696B5U4K576M006S525M570E6Z536Q5A00674O564T1J5O4D6Z411P5V5Y5O6F1K6S3Q5D